The Gifting FAQ

Everyone loves receiving gifts. But if the gift is not appropriate, it will end up being unused and stashed in a drawer. Defeating the very purpose of giving the gift. This is how you can give gifts that are appreciated and strengthen the customer’s relationship with your company.

Don’t go overboard

Gifts are meant to show gratitude for the personal relationship you have with the customer–not for the value of the business they do with you. If you send a gift that’s too expensive or valuable, it can imply that you’re trying to buy the customer’s business. When it comes to showing gratitude for that personal relationship, less expensive is best.

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Custom USB Drives for Corporate Gifts in Dubai

Give something useful

The best customer gifts are also useful to customers in their daily business activities. Look for something that makes life easier for them or solves a problem.

Sell the gift

When you give a gift, be sure to explain in person to the customer why you selected it and why you thought they would appreciate it. You want them to know that you took special effort in the gift selection. People want to do business with companies they trust and that care about them, and the special effort shows that you do care. 

Multimedia Speakers Corporate Gifts Dubai - AMGT
Custom Pend Drive Ideas for Corporate Gifts Dubai AMGT

Make it special

The best gifts are unlike the others your customers receive, or are received at a time the customer doesn’t expect.

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Promotional gifts ideas

Ask us about our unique “monthly subscription gift plan” for your best customers. They will NEVER forget you!

This is especially perfect for service industries where staying on top of the clients mind is especially important.

We are the experts!

AMGT is in our 13th year in business and we can now proudly boast that we consult with and provide gifting solutions and more to over 50 of the biggest corporates in Dubai.

Talk to us and explore the opportunity of rewarding yourself with more sales and top of the mind recall- with the simple expedient of a thoughtful gift.

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